How to Prevent Learners From Skipping Course Pages


As a course instructor, you can prevent learners from skipping essential sections of your course by setting a minimum page activity time on course pages, videos, and other critical information before they proceed to the next page. It will ensure your learners completely understand your course and that there are no knowledge gaps.


Additionally, you can fix the minimum time learners will have to spend on your course before they can proceed to the course completion page.


Let’s say you’ve set a time limit for learners on a page. If a learner tries to go to the next page too soon, the system will show a message.


Spend minimum time on page Preview


Please note that learners are free to navigate back to previous pages or chapters without any obstacles or restrictions.


Benefits of preventing learners from skipping course content:


  • Train without worrying about knowledge gaps
  • Meet compliance requirements
  • Ensure quality of learning


In this article, you’ll learn:


1. How to Prevent Learners From Skipping a Course Page

2. How to Ensure Learners Spend a Certain Minimum Time to Complete a Course


 How to Prevent Learners From Skipping a Course Page


Step 1. Go to “Advanced” course settings and customize the following settings as instructed in the screenshot below.


Modify these Advanced Course Settings to Prevent Skipping of Course Pages by Learners


1. Disable the option “Allow Skipping Pages.”
2. Enable the option “Require Min. time on page.”
3. Then, click “Manage Time.”


Step 2. Assign a minimum time that learners must spend on each page and click Save.


Assign minimum required time to be spent on course pages


Step 3. Click Save to ensure all your changes are implemented.


Save your changes


 How to Ensure Learners Spend a Certain Minimum Time to Complete a Course


Step 1: Go to Course Settings > Advance


Step 2: Locate the “Min. Time To Complete Course” setting and set a time in HHMMSS format. 


Set the minimum time learners must spend on your course before proceeding to the course completion page


Step 3: Save your changes.


As we have set the time as 05:00:00 in the above screenshot, it will ensure learners cannot complete this course before spending a minimum of 5 hours on your course.


That is all about preventing learners from skipping course pages and spending a fixed minimum time on a course.



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