How to Manage Additional Instructor Accounts


With ProProfs Training Maker, you can invite people to become admins or instructors for their learners. This will help you to delegate tasks for better management and train learners effectively.


Watch this quick video guide to learn about adding instructors in ProProfs Training Maker.



Or continue reading to learn it step-by-step.


Different roles & permissions in ProProfs Training Maker:


Super Admin: Super Admin owns the primary ProProfs account and can access all the associated instructor accounts. The Super Admin can set up instructor accounts for a school or a company, bringing all account history together and giving the organization actual data ownership, consolidated billing, and user management. Super Admin permission is available only with the ProProfs Enterprise edition.


Admin: Admin has all the rights & permissions as the super admin, except they don't have access to the 'My Account' page that mentions the account/plan type and upgrade options.


Instructor: An instructor could be an individual teacher or corporate trainer with access to courses/quizzes, users, and groups created by themselves (they can't see content created by other instructors). However, if need be, an instructor can be given view or edit access to others' content via the Share option.


Group Admin: Group administrators help manage a group of users. They can view group reports (to see who has or has not completed training or quizzes), add new group members, or delete existing group users. However, they cannot create quizzes and courses or see any information from other groups. Learn how to assign group administrators to a learner group.


Here's what the admins or instructors list will look like in your ProProfs Training Maker account.


Instructor List


Benefits of adding instructors:

  • Impart training for learners by creating training courses and quizzes for a specific user or a group of users.
  • Delegate management tasks to ensure the training process functions smoothly.


How to Add and Manage Instructors


Step 1: Go to More and click Instructors on your ProProfs Training Maker dashboard.


Go to More >> Instructors


Step 2: Click Invite.


Click Invite


Step 3: Enter the email address & name, and select the role of the person you are inviting. You can choose between Admin and Instructor roles. Once done, click Invite.


Add details, select role and invite


Step 4: Click Done to confirm. The person will receive the invitation and may choose to accept it. Upon accepting the invitation, they are added as an Instructor.


Click Done


How to View the Sent Invitation


Step 5: Once you've sent an invite, a new tab appears - Invited for Role. Under this tab, you can viewresend, or delete the sent invites.


NOTE: If you delete the Invite before it is accepted, the invitation at the receiver's end expires instantly.


Delete Invitation


How to Manage Your Instructors


Step 6: You can edit the status and roles of an instructor(s). Also, you can remove any instructor(s).


  • Under the Status column, click the arrow to either change the status or delete an instructor.
  • Under the Roles column, click the arrow to update the role of an instructor.


Change status, update role, or delete an instructor


And that's it! If you encounter any issues or have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to our support team. 



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