How to Add Assignments to a Course


ProProfs Training Maker lets you add assignments to test learners’ knowledge retention and gauge their understanding of concepts.


In assignments, instructors can frame questions that will enable learners to apply the knowledge and skills they’ve acquired through the course. 


Instructors can create assignments with proper instructions and also set points to analyze the competencies of learners.

Here’s what an assignment added to a course in ProProfs Training Maker would look like:


Assignment Preview


How to Add an Assignment to a Course


Step 1: Click the Add New button on the left panel or in the header menu and select Assignment.


The image shows the Add New menu in the course editor and an arrow pointing to Assignment


Step 2: Enter the basic info of your assignment. Follow the screenshot instructions:


1. Assignment Name: Give a title to your assignment based on its placement in the course.


2. Instructions: Provide any specific details that learners may have to follow while completing the assignment.


3. Attach File: Upload the assignment file from your local storage.


4. Points: Enable this option to assign points to the assignment. You can use it for evaluation and reporting.


5. Due: Set a due date using the calendar if you want to keep it time-bound. Else, choose no due date.


6. Required Assignment: Enable this option to make it mandatory for learners to complete the assignment; otherwise, they can’t progress further in the course.


Add the Assignment


After the assignment is added, it will appear in the course, as shown below. Learners can download the file and use one of the following methods to answer it: write the answers in the box or upload a file with the solutions. 


After they click Submit, this is what it will look like. The instructor can download the answer file and evaluate it.


Submit Answers of the Assignment


That is all about adding assignments to a course in ProProfs Training Maker.



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