What Are the Different Types of Reports and How to Access Them


ProProfs Training Maker supports different types of reports to analyze your learners' progress thoroughly and share them with your learners.



Course Reports: These reports show you details such as the names of your learners, their email addresses, as well as the IP address of their computers. Furthermore, they tell you when they took the course and how long it took them to complete the course. Learn more: How do I access course reports?


Reports of quizzes within your course: You can view the reports of quizzes and assessments that you have included in your course. These reports show detailed information such as the correct and incorrect answers of learners for each quiz, their scores, etc. Learn more: How do I access reports of quizzes within my course?


Group Reports: Under "My Classroom", you can view consolidated reports of different groups of learners that you have created. The reports show you the courses that have been assigned, the ones that are taken, or those that are pending. Learn more: How do I access group reports?


User Reports: Under "My Classroom", you can view individual reports of different learners. The reports show you the courses that have been assigned, the ones that are taken, or those that are pending.


Learn more: How do I access user reports?



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